CNN gets what they deserve

You have probably seen the CNN “reporter” confronting Tea Party attendees in Chicago. You probably saw the attack on the dad with the two year old but have you seen the whole thing? You may have missed her intro and lies about the organizers. You may not have seen the first guy she picked out…Continue reading “CNN gets what they deserve”

Tea Party Atlanta Biggest and Best

I was there, I was proud and I was surprised. I had hoped for 5,000 people and a ratio 9 to 1 (90% normal people and 10% nut jobs). I was surprised on both counts. The counts coming in are north of 10,000 and may be as high as 20,000 people. I could not tellContinue reading “Tea Party Atlanta Biggest and Best”

TeaParty Attendees: beware of wolves in conservative clothing

If you attending your local Tea Party event Watch out for random Liberal bloggers trying to play this as far right anti-government folks. Don’t let them. This government is too big and we are taxed enough to support a proper government. This is not “no tax, anarchy”. This is slimmer, more efficient and more fairContinue reading “TeaParty Attendees: beware of wolves in conservative clothing”